I don’t think there is a professional around who could look you in the eye and tell you exactly what is going to happen after Brexit. There are just too many ifs and buts. If we crash out, that [...]
2018 has been a tough year for house hunters. A slow moving London market has seen clients being forced to take a lower offer on their properties than they’d like. Then, when they’ve headed down [...]
Sometimes you just know when the time is right for you and your family to make the big move, some of you will have been pondering a move for years. Crunch time for me came when my three children [...]
We know for families that moving house is complicated enough, but throw in choosing the right school for your child and the whole process can feel overwhelming. When out and about on our [...]
The press and social media are awash with stories focusing on lifestyle and body changes, what you should or should not be eating or what exercise you ought to taking. Back on the diet? Check. [...]
Get your coat on, it maybe getting chilly outside but you’re off house hunting. Sorry to be pushy about this, as you sit inside all warm and cosy maybe having parked your house hunt until the New [...]
When moving out to the countryside there are normally two driving factors – wanting your children to grow up out of a city with more space, and schooling. Surrey ticks many boxes for [...]
I was on the phone with a potential client yesterday who said she was thoroughly fed up with house hunting. The houses they liked were being snapped up before they had a chance to get a foot in [...]
We all know that what starts off as an exciting exercise of looking online at a property portal, maybe glass in hand following the ‘lets do it’ chat, can sadly turn from fun to stress in a matter [...]
You’ve decided that you’d like to move out and although the allure of the country house and the bigger garden is what you really want for your family, there is a little voice inside that is [...]